joke. i took the train and alighted so happily at outram, walked all the way and waited for the train that's heading to clark quay. after waiting awhile, i finally woke up and remembered that i'm suppose to be going to esplanade ! so i make my way back and waited for the train that heads to city hall..
i wonder how did u people celebrated the new year eve. hope everyone enjoyed themselves and prepared for school/work. i enjoyed myself ytd at esplanade with fuifui, char and jx. i went down earliest and earlier to walk around myself. then meet up with fuifui, she was prettily pretty dressed. my eyeballs almost dropped when i saw her and i felt so under dressed. we went to mrs fields for cookies, and it really did satisfied me. fuifui's sicked so i didnt leave any nimblers cookies for her ! we went over to marina square for dinner, queued for waraku but we didnt dine there in the end. so i've yet to try this nice restaurant that mummy says it's better than paste de waraku ! sounded good. bcos of jx and char we gave up our dinner at waraku and went yoshinoya instead. miran and the rest had alrdy left when i got there.
after dinner we walked to the bridge, wanting to meet up with miran and guys but it was so super crowded. and really really, the crowd is so dampening of mood. i think most of us hate crowds and got a lil pissed? these singaporean are like hungry ghost. thank god i'm tall enough to breathe in such crowd. we found ourselves a spot and we stood there for an hour to wait for the fireworks. took a few photos play a few lame games and just waiting for the fireworks to start. finally boom boom boom the bright fireworks went on for like 10mins or so.
got away from the crowd and went to chimes for some drink. we went to la viva and some ang saying happy new year to us. i got myself valencia, it's not bad ! char got apple martini which is good too. jx got champagne cocktail and fuimin got herself a EVIAN as she's sick. then supper at kopitiam and then took night rider back. they took with me to clark quak transfer to their night rider. guess the driver was in a rush to go home, he skipped a few bus stops and overtook one or two nr5.
thaht's abt it, and now i'm sick too. time for school and happy new year everyone. let's do well and better this year with the right attitude.
pictures of joy.

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