i felt unloved for who i am
but in reply, i shall be successful
i face endless problems like everyone else
but i just wanted be happy and nothing else
why do i sigh in agony
why do i feel lonely
i ought to be blissful, with that all i have
i ought to be cheerful, like i used to be
am i being appreciated, my effort seemed in vain
am i such a failure, to win true friends
i felt a reaper behind me pushing me
i felt my fatigue and workload slipping my wrist
why do fear grabs hold of me
why do anger overcome me
why do i feel hurt
my silent cry screaming loudly
yet my words unheard
do you not know that one's mouth can tears or builds one up
do you not know that i had enough torment and frustrastion
the world trample over me
but you say that i'm not dead yet
so you gave me more till the day i cease
are you not in fond of giving me such annoying feeling
somedays i hate the world, when i'm supposed to love
somedays i wish to inflict hurt, when i'm supposed to heal
somedays i just wish to sleep over my life
why cant i learn through happiness, but only through trials
why do i have this unbearable irritating feeling in me
i shall stop whining
because i'm not as pathetic
and because i'm Your beloved child
thus i shall overcome all these nonsense
and i will step up as i'm learning to be a better man

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