finally i'm back. my new passion, photography ! let's shoot and shoot and keep shooting ! i want so many stuffs ! 5 million home crumpler, 440EX flash, 60l digicab and Wide angle lens and prime lens. muahaha but i dont have the money. i'm learning by reading and seeing other's photography, learn from crit too.
i wish to go Maldives someday ! i saw the beach and resort there, it was awesome. the wide skyblue sea and vast sky, where else to find that. let me upload some photos soon to let you go 'wow' with me.
i've catch Mummy and Money. both came out on the same day, it was quite a topic on the radio. the newspaper rated the mummy, 3/5 stars. and money no enough, 1.5/5. but i feel that the mummy was a lil let down. despite having a asian star, jet li. it was rather unrealistic. on the other side, i thought money no enough 2 will be just as similar to the previous one. but surprisingly, as usual, it's hilarious. never fails to make us laugh like nobody's business. it was jack neo vesus jet li.
i guess i'm having pms, gets frustrasted so easily recently. and always feels like rah ! and i mean RAH !!!! it's like you have something inside trying to be released. you cant breathe and it's having a grip of you. you feel like shouting it out and give it a loud bang. it feels so noisy and you have no peace. terrible feeling isnt it.
i've better understand myself by a lil too. going to see my one and only in aussie in sep. one mth in brisbane, no idea where to stay yet. i may end up slping on the streets of aussie, and that's crap. give me a shelter Daddy. although it's less than 2 weeks of seperation, i'm missing you alrdy. and that's bad, we've got another year to go. get your degree and get back into my arms quickly ! muahaha
p.s. i love you