i did a test drive on a white nissan fairlady ! it belongs to my cousin, which she got it at 80k or 60k, second hand. the previous driver 'zeng'-ed the car and it's super cool, for the interior. i mean it. there's a touch screen thingy which we u watch dvd or play ipod, also, a screen for reversing. nissan fairlady has 6 gears, like any other cool car, and to reverse, u have to press on the gear and shift to reverse.
i'm so not used to driving manual car. it's super embarrassing to drive such a cool car and stuck at the traffic light junction for a couple of seconds; i didnt engage the gear properly. but at least i didnt stall the engine at all. the car is also very low, so when turning at high speed, it feels more stable. and needless to say, the acceleration is pow-er-ful ! comparing to the usual car that i drive, toyota altis.

(these photos are for bimbos who dont know what's a nissan fairlady.)
and yes, it's a selfish two seater car just like lamborghini.
but still you cant even come close for comparison with my dream car, lamborghini.
the audi r8 you get to see on advertisement is not bad too.
something not so good regarding church.
i was totally pissed off for the previous service. it was crowded, which i really dislike, and the crowd went like hungry ghost rushing for the heavenly food that lies before them. i mean, where is all that they had learn in church. is it so important to rush to the front row and book the seats for your member. i'm not saying that it's bad, but we have to be polite and have more courtesy ! where is the love that the pastors had been preaching for. where is the servanthood spirit. i got so pissed of when people are just pushing and sqeezing just to rush to get a book seat, a good view, for themselves. just because we are singaporean, that doesnt mean we must carry the spirit of kiasu-ness. please show your love and courtesy next time when you are rushing to 'chop' seats.
nevertheless, service's so great as usual. pm was good too. this is just a brief summary, if u wanna know really, how great it is, please calhola my number and come church with me. =) i can assure you that you wont regret. but first you have to come with a open heart, not a negative and doubtful one.