Sunday, September 30, 2007
in life there are many regrets
back to expo hall 8. the morning call from char was really waking me up, cos she call herself pretty, making me wanting to puke. sharon's driving is cool, kind of no rule one. first thing was she's speed like 20-60km/h more than the limit. she's tailgating the car infront at such speed, and she change lane like a snake on the expressway without signal. and lastly, parking her car at double yellow line, pretty cool isnt it.
saw many old friends, and i miss that kid that used to stalk me and glue to me. some changes here and there, and edwin is now a cgl, also the manhunt winner. and zx is bald now, the cool thing is, he imported the brand new iphone for 1.8k. it's really omg. this camera man is so damn loaded isnt it. kim's also in char's cg. so people were like asking me why dont i participate in the hey gorgeous, cause the standards are rather pathetic. and i wonder why people thinks that i'm char's sch or class mate. as you can see, from my fine complexion, u should be able to judge that i'm a young guy. i dun belongs to the old category like char does.
i think girls with a mix touch of those euro looking features are such bonus. having long legs, too, is a addition. i have this nephew age around 5, and she's fall under this category, not the part of having long legs. i only get to see her during every chinese new year. if i would to born maybe 10 yrs later, she would be my target. the best is you look like avril lavigne! i like her behavior.
Friday, September 28, 2007
i see the shy ness in you =D
it's just the 1st week of sch and i'm already burning one night to do work, afterwhich we have presentation to do. new project, new headaches. the presentation was a lucky one, however, someone stole my slides to present, therefore i had to present a slide on the spot, which i had never seen before in my entire life, until that very moment . i dun like this sudden change when i'm mentally prepared for my slide.
i took one and a half day to finish the holiday assignments, though it's rush but still, not no quality work with lineweight and dimensions. a damn sad thing that happened was i overwrite by accident another drawing that i had completed. that's really a nice stunt for me in the late hours, when i'm alrdy so sleepy. so i give up and went to slp for a hour before i go to sch. after the presentation, i stayed back to finish the drawing. and i notice many of them, despite the long holidays, were like me, still doing until the last min. jamming the printer, rushing their work.
saw this girl at the mrt and find her really familiar, but i just couldnt remember. i told mf abt that and after they alighted at jurong east, mf came to me the next day tell me that he overheard their conversation, and that girl's really kind of nonsense crapping in that train. how interesting, and i saw this girl again the next day when my friends came sp to eat pizza with me. then we went swimming together. my friend was like telling me, isnt that your friend, on the other side of the platform, i saw ezann and when i shouted her full name, her reaction was like she dunno me like sad... =P
i've also noticed some girls had somehow became prettier. and i'm pretty impressed by wanglan, she helped us for the plot thingy. and after i wondered why i do not know how to go about doing the plot setting, i realised, the previous time there is this really nice helpful girl to do the plot setting for me and print out the drawing for me. and i sincerely love that, is like so blessed u see. so touched =P
it's been quite long since i have this fast heart beating feeling, it's a mixed feeling which cant be describe in words. anyway i really miss this girl and the moments we had, every moment we shared. in fact, other people still dont know anything, still mentioning abt her. maybe it's not meant to be, so i shall just sit back and wait for the miracle which i'm wishing for to come. i like that pairs of eyes that talk. if the day of miracle comes, please tell me, because you are special to me, and my heart will always have a place for u.
socccer talk.
1195 days of jose mourinho in chelsea, and now chelsea owner dont want him. jose mourinho was a very good and motivational manger. he led chelsea to champion in 97, and his interesting entertaining reactions on the pitch during matches were something everyone would remember. he has his own style, however the owner of chelsea is so damn loaded that he wants to buy those top notch players to chelsea and couldnt care less about whether they can adapt, to have teamwork. chelsea lost to man u in the previous, and the news reported that chelsea played as if they lost a father(mourinho).
liverpool finally winning a match, against wigan, after having 2 draw match in bpl. that goal by benayoun in the second half, his very first goal for this season, resulted a fight in the audience. some nice tries from liverpool at the first half by kuyt and torres. a sissors kick by fernado torres missed by abit, off the post. now liverpool's standing fourth in the league, still good for the season.
amazingly arsenal is still is good form in this season, still the 1st in the league standing. despite thiery henry had left the team. i wonder will they continue their good performance or their form will worn out someday.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
insomnia again..
well, i'm currently madly chionging the show prison break, it's really a nice show. this genius engineer plan his way to save his brother out the jail and also plan how to 'disappear'. he's got the blue print of the jail on his body by tattoo, and all the details ways and means to get out there. they met many problems along the way, but still somehow u knew they're able to overcome one by one and the result will be just the same, and that is they will eventually break out. abit of perseverance or faith and smart ideas or plans to get them throught the walls.
catch the invasion ytd night, another sudden call. interesting storyline but not really appetizing afterall. went pm after that, sat until 4-5am. playing psp eating breakfast. i got free fries thanks to gw for losing me. if i won the last match i would had have a free meal. lost by 1 pt wth goddamnit. there were these 2 young girl there to study but not really studying afterall.. from boon lay sec, i saw the file, one name fiona. they were taking photo with a nikon professional camera with those huge lens and such a arm distance. wth it's like a insult to the camera as well as the one using them. interesting anyway, they ask us to look after their stuff while they went out to smoke, these underage girls.......... if u know why the legal age is 18, it's gonna be when you're 18, u wont even wanna smoke cause you know how to think.
Friday, September 21, 2007
alright, i need money

- i phone/ i touch
- XPS720 H2C
the specs for XPS720 is really extremely insane. it's fucking cool machine that includes a core extreme overclocked to 3.67GHz, running steadily with H2C cooler, includes up for 4 slots of hark disk, and up to 4gb cosair DDR2 high-performance memory stick, nvidia SLI graphic with PhysXTM Accelerator to boost the graphic performance till super fine details, a blu-ray dvd drive and intel HD audio. this machine is better than alienware gaming PCs, it's a PC for the rich and insane. for your information, a core 2 extreme processor QX6850 is the fastest processor for intel currently, you duo core or quad core is nothing to compare. best graphic and audio system, killer speed rocking together with H2C technology, extremely silent, cool design, what more can you ask for?
iPhone will be the coolest phone in town, sweet nice slim design. it's wi fi enabled, surf wherever u go. for some places in states, u may download the songs playing in the starbucks cafe at the very moment. the display is great, and the audio system is said to be better than iTouch. you may watch videos or pictures just like ipod, also, you can watch youtube videos with it. the only con i feel is the memory space is only mere 8GB, so much smaller than iTouch, so no point putting video in this phone, therefore the function is like wasted. still considering between iTouch and iPhone...

today went JE to swim. and i saw ADAM and his girl ! intially i cant really confirm whether is it him, seems a lil different. then i saw him walking to his girlfriend, then confirm is him. he looks like skinner? just somehow dont look like him. 10 laps of marathon, only one kept up with me, the other 4 of them running out of breathe. so we went for extra laps instead of looking at them swim. well there's this pink bikini girl rather attractive, i kept myself going just to catch the glimpse of her. feast at kfc, i was dying to eat cheese fries.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
PES 2008
the official trailer for PES 08
better graphic and gameplay i suppose.
the trailer itself is tempting already isnt it.
i cant wait to get it.
felicia chin finally updated her blog.
a video blog that melted my heart.
she's just so sweet isnt it, and she've got the flair in acting, she will do well !

kicking shadows
went for laser quest at home team ns. it's my second time there and i easily top the game for 2 match. in case you dont know, laser quest it's something like taking a 'laser gun' and shoot the opponent, running in a maze-like dark space. so we guys had hell load of fun in there, running around, shooting and shouting like crazy. pawning and owning everyone in there, one down after another. i'm c0w !
after that came my house to play board games and winning eleven until 5.30am.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
ban kai !
bleach on fever. a lil update for the week. a few days ago i passed my FT evalation, so waiting for FT test then i can finally book my driving test date. driving simulator was rather fun. it's like realistic gameplay of some driving game. of cos not even a single crash even though i really want to. many sudden popping out of car or stuffs to make u crash. unlike teo and char, they crashed and able to see replay. char didnt check mirror then enter highway then crashed when it's just the beginning. char notice i have to habit of going fffff whenever i trying to stop myself saying fuck. she was like telling me stop fffffff ing.
the other day,on my way back with gw and lim from bbdc. i saw this pure-type pretty girl then as i walk i stepped into drain !!! -____-!!! so pai seh and that gave my leg a bruise cut. i'm not sure if she saw that but ya.. i was just smiling away. exchange of glances in the bus and i stop that by playing burnout with lim. not bad uh, go learn driving still can see char bo. anyway auto transimission car are so fucking relax only.
celebrated his bday today at the cathay. we had billy bombers for dinner, squandered 30 over bucks for that meal. how unholy sinfulness. sirloin steak medium rare for maincourse, cheese fries with bacon topping for side, american brownie with ice cream for dessert. the spinach was rather gross. then we went playing arcrade kill time until movie. we turn retard and doing silly things, had hell loads of fun crazing away. we watch this stupid horror movie 1303 the apartment. it's really waste of time. moe like a comedy, really. at scenes where it suppose to be scary or horrifing, we were laughing, even the rest. however, me and ken was distracted by the pretty girl sitting 2 seats away from ken. we were turning our head to peep at that girl for most of the time. so distracting ! can easily give her a grade B =x we also made xh wear that idiot looking mickey mouse lightstick hairbend and wake around even in the train, just like a fool. went pm continue to the fun, psp battle for bleach and nba, also, playing 5 10 15 there. loser drink special brew of carlbergs and ka na ji. ds was really down for luck. having 3-4 consecutive ka na ji by all 5 of us. so high isnt it. what a day going out of mind again.
my new favourite song; i dont wanna be in love (dance floor anthem)by good charlotte latest album. told u only good charlotte, green day and avril is good.
Monday, September 10, 2007
monday blues
my slping time is all messed up, as always when holidays arrives. pull myself up and chiong to bbdc. today learn going slope and vertical parking. all was good all was easy. i'm born to be driver, i just hope no mistake on test day. then waiting for char to come for FT practise. was sitting there all alone by myself playing psp, then i notice a girl looking at me. then i realise it was ANITA ! she was there so damn early for BT test. haha yet to even touch the car !! noob. she sat with me and chatted to pass time. she was telling me she's home most of the time watching anime. then i found out that she watch bleach too! kurosaki ichigo~ then i saw kun poh, amazingly he learning car also. i thought pai kia type should learn moto one... then saw peng da also, like the world is so small sia. so many of us learning car now, including teo, lim, gw, ken, cob, ds, daryl. then char arrived, anita was like thinking who's that girl, yeah just another interesting friend i've got. i'm just a pest to her, irritating her forever. she super cocky, passed all the booklet, yet i only pass one of em. so unfair, why dumbass like her can pass i cant. a lil' improvement the second time, only 1 flunk. haha ! we then proceed to book for evaluation as well as ds. see u on wed.
dinner was a sumptuous and filling one, a treat by my aunt, cause it's my sis bday. dine at kuishinbo at suntec, fabulous jap restaurant buffet. it's eat till u explode ! the desserts are attractive and the sushi are fresh. also have tepayaki, just pick the meat to let them cook. eating my fav eel like nobody's business. the raw clams and shell fish taste really tasteless to me. i wonder why are these the 'most expensive stuffs'. ice cream with whatever topping u like, and fruit tarts for the retards, coffee and cuppuccino, liptop of many flavour such as vinilla, red forest, green tea and more. damn bloated after eating so much, one of the trainee waitress was kinda pretty, name stella. keep a look out for her if u visiting this restaurant in future.
imagine my 18 yrs+ of toleranting this girl with abit of mental prob,
yet being a nice soul entertaining her most of the time,
sometimes chat and play over the night,
sometimes blare at u cause i'm down and you're being annoying,
oh boy, i'm so sorry for being unable to control myself.
i know u're kind enough to understand right =D
my plate of dessert, it's not all of em'. i had second and third round for desserts. haha =P it's brownie at the center, in case u dont know.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
yes, it's just a dream.
ytd bball and after that midnight movie. rouge assasin, twisting of story unexpectedly. and that was nicely done. a nice car jet li drives, believe to be italians series car if i'm not wrong. having the same way of opening the door upwards just as lamborghini, pretty cool. the killing part wasnt really that gross, it's nc16 because there was scene where girls went nude.
movie. (if you're planning to catch this show, u might not want to read abt the following.)
well the story is about this great assasin, hired by the yakuza as well as the triads. before this, there were 2 FBI almost got this assasin but he escaped. he then seeked revenge on this FBI who shot him at his face, killing this FBI as well as his wife and daughter. therefore, this FBI partner was in agony to see his partner killed, waiting to nail this assasin down for his vengeance. this assasin betrayed the both of the gangs. why so, he help the yakuza leader to infiltrate the traids and work as his assasin to gain his trust to get that valuable golden horse sculpture , till the yakuza out his whole family out. but this assasin protected the wife and the child after killing the triad leader. this assasin then went on this to give the fake horse sculpture to the yakuza leader, know he will be punish for allowing the wife and child to live. he took out all the yakuza so easily and slicing the leader into pieces. he turn out to be the FBI that suppose to be killed by the assasin, but the assasin didnt make it. he disguise as the assasin after killing him and burn his very own house, so that no one will know the assasin died instead of him. he took revenge on the yakuza, gave the valuable sculpture to this wife of this traid. sent the yakuza leader's head to his daughter, who's also helping him and viciously gave the command to kill the whole family of the triad.
hmm i like the twisting of story part. if not it will turn out to be some normal assasinating show of gangs and stuff. we went to pm after movie for supper. playing psp and enjoying the cold wind of the night. soon after gw's psp battery went flat, they suggest to come my house and continue playing when he charge. i was watch bleach as playing with him, so u can see how slow is he to think and decide his move. then we tried playing burnout together but somehow there's prob to that. we're looking for some new games that we can play together. just keep on downloading haha. they leave at around 6am.
ytd my sis's friend also came over to play mahjong and celebrate her bday. then her friend bon's working at imodels now. out of sudden she asked me whether keen to be model. because of my height and build, ok looking face. well i went there like 1 or 2 yrs back before, with char, we were asked by the 'talent scouts' of imodels to try. but we both felt it's most probably a scam to earn the portfolio money of the models wannabe and dreaming to be models people. so we didnt really went for it.
same as you, but 76%
Friday, September 7, 2007
a day with blur queen.
a freaking phone call that wake me up so reluctantly, and that sound of charmaine trying to make sure i get up and not fall back to slp... she was like asking me to stand up but i just nua-ed a lil' more on my so comfy bed, even after she hung up. as long as i'm not late, lunch wont be on me. haha ! dun try to bully me char, i'm younger, u should take good care of my instead. althought it's only abt 2 mths but it's just the fact that u are OLDer.
althought she may be abit younger than me, but no one will think that this small little girl is 18 going 19 this year. that's quite good in certain way, it hide your old-ness. it's been quite some time since we last meet up, and she's still as short, a lil' retard, a lil' act cute and super thick skin. she should serve NS at the frontline to deny bullet rounds with her skin so thick. i'm still as irritating to her, i really wonder why i like to irritate her so much, like since the day we met.
she's alrdy in UNI ! yet me still here with 17 yrs old people studying at poly. i will have to wait like 5 yrs to go Uni, provided my result allows me to(impossible), 3 yrs in poly and 2 yrs in NS. that's so unfair. if only i've studied just a little harder and earlier, or i studied in a better sch with good teachers and good influence. lol
well had my brunch at westmall, pasta mania. oh yah, this part is interesting; intially i entered the mall, heading toward kfc to look for her. And out of a sudden, something hit me. i thought i'm knocked onto some kids or something, only till i look downwards, and guess what.... it's shortie charmaine ! seriously didnt see her at all with my eyes looking infront, that means, she's so short that i couldnt see her while walking normally. and we have like more than 30cm of difference in height! ok back abt the meal, i had no appetite. so i told char, it must be her, making me no appetite to eat lol =x probably because i just got up from bed not long, and not feeling hungry just as yet. she kept wanting me to take off my beanie. yeah we also saw a couple wearing office wear getting on a bike. that girl in skirt and heels, going up that bike pulling up her skirt, then we go wooo... lol it's just so unsuitable, that's one of he reason i didnt go for bike instead. wearing formal riding a bike is a laughing stock, and what's more u have to hide under the shelter when it's raining. my hair is longer than hers, so she's calling me miss chong and wanted to cut for me. DREAM ON ! i rather shave it bald than let u cut my hair.
chatted about driving, her instructor was also one tall one fat, so we suspect we're in the same group. she's so absent mind or should i say blur, she dun even know what's her group number despite she's alrdy in stage 3. both our fat instructor have a lot to say, but the difference is, my fat instructor is younger and single i suppose. we then went to play arcade, she challenged my daytona, i was like thinking she will lose for sure. she dont believe even i told her she will, until i proved to her after 2 rounds of daytona, she's just behind me smelling my tail.
we took the wrong direction of bus, so embarrassed to say, i'm the one leading the way. before we went to the bus stop, she even ask me are you sure. and i replied "VERY SURE." till we reaching jurong east then she notice we're really in the wrong direction, no wonder i have this feeling like going home. so we alighted and took the other bus across the road instead. she wanted to buy this buy that; 7 cars, ipod touch and so on. she wants to married a rich man, and wants to marry a ABC (america born chinese). so i was saying that she's so materialistic. she say that i'm materialistic too, hmm... to a certain extent i 'may' be. yeah.. that suaku played a driving game with my psp, and knocking the car all over the places! i told her that's not bumper car where u can anyhow bump. i bet she wont get her license !
alright, here is the joke of the day. u may skip reading the anything before this, but this u must read this. here it goes; as we enter the room for final theory practice, found a seat, settled down, and start. she was behind me telling me she COULD NOT LOG IN. i also why the hell she cant log in. so she stood up and went infront to check with the instructors. then we was like using hand signal to tell me she will be waiting for me outside. then she sms me, telling that she dont have her booking, going to faint. then she told me she really booked, then she went to book for the next session also cannot. so she sat outside watching her ipod video wasting 50 mins of her time in her life. and it's gone, never u can get back that 50 mins. after 1st practise went out and see her, trying my best not to laugh out loud. seriously so blur. told her i didnt even pass one of the booklet, only did like about 3 or 4 of them. then called mingfu as he missed call when i'm inside. then char at there saying 'da niu yao sha ke liao', thank goodness mf didnt hear that. if not he will think i'm flirting around with girls. she say the way i speak chinese funny, and i seriously dun find it funny at all ! eelaine also say that, but she speak chinese even more funny than me can !
as i enter the room, she send me another sms. she told me that she book the slot of YESTERDAY. i was again trying to control and not to laugh.. she's really so superly blur. wasted her 4 dollars and 50 mins. ah yes, for certain reasons, she hate the sound of opening my bag. so i open and close a few times for her, trying to help u to get immune to it, so helpful of me. too bad u didnt appreciate. i have all sorts of strange friends and i suspect they are aliens from outer space in disguise.
here's a poem for my another strange friend;
ever since he got his com...
his problems with his com never cease...
the com is just like the owner...
wires all got connected wrongly...
that's why now so crazy...
well just crapping out without thinking. cause this crazy fella have many problem with his com and always afk or hang. where we were all at msn waiting for him.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
"grow up"
yet to visit sentosa like since so long i've been wanting to go. holidays' running out. can we have a lil' longer holiday?
i cooked myself lunch, just rice and egg and luncheon meat and ham. it looks ugly and taste so fugly.
swim swim, girls in bikini. during the holiday after O's, we swim and gym regularly. and that's when i know this girl wen jing at the pool. didnt contact her after that cause her attitude sucks. remember once she called me in the night jio me go watch fireworks, not sure whether for new year or christmas, too bad i'm going out with friends. anyway, got her number just for fun.
having leg cramp after swimming awhile, good thank it didnt happen at the deep pool, if not i'm drown. laps after laps, swimming out of breathe lol. after that eat at mac, slack and play psp. then went to boon lay bball court. saw a couple of juying people, it's been kinda long since i see them. the people there are kinda fuck up arrogant. saw a guy at another court, looks like ezann's friend, yukai.
after that went yf hse give him suprise visit, we just wanted a place to play psp =x. play psp there and chill until 2am then eat supper. enjoy the aircon and the comfy bed and his nan ting song.
dunno since when i blog like almost everyday, gotta cut down to once a week cause i'm lazy.
stepping out of stage 1 soon. i hope.
"bad things happens to good people"
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
time never heal wounds, what time does is to coerce you in resigning to fate.
comex it fair.
lim wanted to get a new com so hola me to it show, with fatass and shorty. this time was really disappointing, the previous comex IT fair i seen so more pretty girls ! okay, one of which i remember vividly, a pretty young girl, giving flyers. i seen her once and seen her twice in that fair, i was happy to see her the second time, fate you see. then i was happily and sillyly help her take the flyer, i bet she notice that i'm one of the handsome guy =x. and she gave a nice sweet smile that bring me to sky and i was laughing away as i pass her. another one was the camera show girl. she penetrate among the crowd and grinded me with her thigh, and her dress was like so smooth. there were also a handful of show girls were pretty.
this time round i seen none. but the model on stage for sony lappy and camera was pretty. i wonder is it the make up that made them look so pretty. i still prefer naturally pretty. of cos, having a great outlook means nothing, the inside also counts. i now feel that it's impt.
suprisingly i saw shu hua there, she look rather different. dunno whether is it because of after seeing the pretty models. hate crowd, dun wish to go for any more IT fair as such. hot and noisy. crap a lot as we penetrate the crowd, laughing as i'm walking. after taking the flyers from shu hua, my friends drown in the flood. they squated at a corner with the brochures covering their face, thinking i'm that dumb that cant recognise them and just walk pass. they said, there will only be one reason if i'm missing all of a sudden; that is i'm held up by a girl.
dine at genki sushi, taking the sushi plates like free and cabbed home. i squandered 90 bucks on buying a dc cap and a quicksilver beanie. regretted eating there, i wanted jack's place instead. cabbed home as it was raining.
so smart.
woke up at 12 when my driving lesson is at 1205. bathed and chiong cab down reaching at 1230. parallel parking is easier than what i thought. practise make perfect.
went sim lim to help lim to get the pc. he's really loaded and got a quad core, good graphic card and cooler and all. now he will no longer be laugh stock for having lousy laptop. he's got the most powerful machine among among us. gw finally got his psp, it's really damn fucking cheap now, because psp slim is out now. now 4 of us have it, playing downloaded game all day long. lim suck big time for losing yugioh to me 3 times despite of playing for so long, saying he's over powered to battle with me. my ass ! now he keep calling me and ask me stupid questions for every stupid errors his com giving him. what a noob.
had lunch at shake tea hut, regretted again, thans to gw. i shall not eat with u ever again ! the food and drink is average yet not cheap. the place is small and not cosy at all. should have went to eat mac or pastemania instead ! damn it.
playing psp all day long. some nice games; test drive, yugioh. i like my lamborgini in test drive lol. yugioh requires thinking brain. this friday 2 FT practise with char, she's bring me to nus to eat and tour then we travel to bbdc tgt. she's 2 mths older than me, and she's alrdy in university. that shows how much time i've wasted. well, time for a change, for character. own views shall stand firm, not affected even by the one u love. do what's i'm suppose to do, and be what i'm suppose to be.
last but not least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EZANN NG SHU HUA (belated)! 18 years old, like finally. haha owe u a present, and if u want, a treat for u too. tell me when you're free. so sorry to fall into the 'bo xim' category, my deepest apology.
avril lavigne's songs are really nice almost every single one of them.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
derby, still a long way to go.
alright the easy match against derby, a new team in bpl. well, it's a one sided owning game, despite of the absence of gerrard and carragher in the game. everyone knows liverpool gonna win, but we didnt expect for such a big leap.(6-0) opening goal scored by xabi alonso, a incredible free kick from as far as 35 yards from the goal post. alright, the defense of derby was rather sloppy, therefore torres was able to use the opportunity to score 2 goals. alonso ,also, score another goal for liverpool. babel finally score one for liverpool, however, he made quite some errors and mistake in the game. the last goal was score by voronin, he's sub in during the mid 2nd half. an easy game, not much of excitement. in the late game, liverpool players were just trying to score some sloppy goal, one of em was by kuyt, a loop that was deny by the keeper. carragher's rib is confirmed, broken. now both gerrard and carragher is injured, both captain and acting captain is down, hyppia was the captain for the game instead.

pissed off today, i dunno why i'm i so easily irritated. but there are some things i just couldnt stand. failed to hold my temper, sorry.