Just gonna share my thoughtsi think questions are good(i only mean good questions), they help you to grow and find out more about yourself.
like philosophers, they constantly ask themselves questions and slowly find their breakthrough.
just gonna list some questions i have been thinking and asking myself:
- What kind of person you think you are (and to be) ?
- What is more (or most) important to you, in making that decision ?
- What, to you, is wasting time or fulfilling ?
- What can you do to make things (or situation) better ?
- What is your motive or reason for doing that you did or going to do ?
- Do you dare to take up challenges and rise up to another level ?
- Do you only think of pushing the blame to other when things go wrong ?
- Do you sit around and command people to do things ?
- Do you plan ahead or wait for things to happen ?
- Do you have God in your life ?
- Do you think that you have been wise in your words?
- Do you think that it is alright to be the way you are?
- Do you consider of other's feeling ?
- Do you put God first, and others, before yourself ?
- Do you really love God, and people ?
- Do you want the whole world to comfort you ?
- Do you want to cry and whine just because you didnt get your way done ?
- Do you allow the Holy Spirit to transform you ?
- Do you allow God to speak to you, and obey His words ?
- Do you have a purpose in life now ?
- Do you bear grudges that stop you from moving on ?
- Do you only remember what wrong people have done in your life and not the goodness of them ?
- Do you hope that your life was a bed of roses ?
- Do you hope that things will happen in your way, without putting any effort ?
- Do you think that things will work out well, without seeking God for guidance(or directions) ?
- Do you think your life have been fulfilling of your calling ?
- Do you think that you are wasting time on things which are less important of your calling.
- Do you know that your tongue holds the power of life and death ?
- Do you know that you can build one up and tear one down, just with your words ?
- Do you know that your mind and heart could be deceiving ?
- Do you know that your actions and words can so easily affect people around you ?
- Do you know that your decision will lead to either good or bad consequnce ?
- Do you know that your body is the temple of God ?
- Do you know that your life belongs to God, redeemed by Jesus's blood ?
- Do you know that you have a choice over your life ?
- Do you know that you can choose to an overcomer and not a quitter ?
- Do you know that you can choose to live positively with God ?
- Are you shining for God, and doing Him so proud of you ?
- Are you growing up after so much teachings and hearing ?
- Are you building lives or crushing them ?
- Are you a child who whine and cry when he loses ?
- Are you slow to anger, and quick to have mercy(or otherwise) ?
- Are you wise in your words ?
- Are you so smart and wise that you are right all the time ?
- Are you being stubborn or convicted ?
- Are you wasting time thinking that you're still young ?
- Are you being too selfish or self centered ?
- Are you being too emotional, not able to control your emotional.
- Are you being over arguementative ?
- Are you being complacent in your walk with God and people ?
Last but not least,
51. Are you aware that God hate those who sow discord and break unity in His kingdom ?
51 quetions to ponder.
gonna update backwards slowly from now. i was too comfortable not blogging. in fact, i think i got many things much better to do, but i shall blog and update for all my friends who are interested and keeping up with me. because you guys are awesome beloved friends of mine. thank you all for being interested in me still.
i had been so busy since i came back from a break in aussie. from manhunt to christmas to school projects to easter drama to attachments to acting as calefare to now, i'm using my time to read up books on photography and make more friends in this field. i wanna know more, i wanna do more, bcos i'm feeling OLD. i cant afford to waste anymore time, i am feeling regretful to waste so much time of my life till now. i'm gonna be focus and run for my dream.
p.s. These questions are not to pin point anyone, but to question oneself to reflect and move on. And i hope to remind everyone that being positive, is a choice. Please dont allow your negative mindset or words drain life out of people and give them troubles. Cast them out in the name of Jesus !