busily busy bee.i shall start with last sun. 1st service at jurong west church after so long. it was flooded and the service was great as usual. the great thing was, there are donuts to eat ! donuts from donuts factory is just fabulous and heavenly. i love these donuts to bits. sharon and char never fails to amuse me, a funny sisters. then took a ride from sharon to do our crs slides at mf house. kinda cosy and we had dinner there. for so long i didnt drink soup and eat so much veg. went home at night to catch my match, liverpool winning against i forgotten which team. jamie carragher was given yellow card for scold f*** you to the ref.. it's realy a entertaining match, and liverpool won so well. liverpool, brilliant.
monday presentation was kinda cool and fun. prolly bcos i like the module as well as the lecturer. i'm just having fun there. after lecture we just went home to do our models, plans and evelations. skipped sch on tues to rush these assignments. didnt have enough sleep for a couple of days and burnt the night to finisht them, char was burning night that day too, for her last paper.
went sch for submission, then went for gems to demo my game that i've design. it was really embarrassing and simple. just so spastic, i didnt have enough time to do a better one. after which went for sports day, chosen to go and be audience. it was raining monkeys and donkeys so i was drenched in the heavy rain while walking to the stadium. sat there tiredly, i just daze and stone while mf went to run. the girl whom i dunno her name came chatting with me, she says i'm unfriendly. well, think i'm just tired and not in the mood to talk, and i'm quite a shy boy you see... i'm not really unfriendly ! then the cheer leaders came, giving us paper with all the cheers which i thought i'm just suppose to sit there and watch the race. that's what audience do. i was really shag out and i just trying to keep myself awake. i like the cheer leader beside us, from marine time, he was fit and i remember he was the ref for one of our basketball matches. also a good cheer leader, enjoying himself and dancing there. another girl of our cheer leader was kinda spastic, she was just shouting like retarded and shaking her body like nobody business. i just wondering whether she's so enthu or she's just being crazy. she's quite pretty too, just that too much piercing i thought.
your your info, daniel is a nice, kind, helpful, innocent, simple-minded, pure and decent and and smart boy. and apparently, i'm the greatest handsome tall young boy. so being a nice and helpful i stayed back to help the girls with their autoviz. these following girls, please thank me ! 1st of all , rachew lew lew that bugged me since autocad, eelaine too, anita that i help her only after she calls me handsome ! wani and joyceline. and wani took my mouse home ! i lend her and forgot to take home.
i felt sick on tuesday, mucus just wont cease flowing from my nose. it's really really irritating and i keept sneezing and got me so fed up. that's the night i'm burning and it's really kinda terrible. now it gotten better, thank you god ! also thank 987 for accompanying me through these nights !
today we went trekking, which i never thought i would do such a thing other than ns. it was raining and we were all drenched in the rain, walking through the woods and just chatting away. to be positive, it helps us to burn fats. but it's really kinda boring ! saw some monkeys as we finishing, the baby monkey are more cute.. had dinner at bukit timah and headed to crown center for ice cream ! the ice cream was kinda good but still haagen daz is my favourite. the place was kinda cool cos they have games like taboo which we played. a nice place to chill, but it's quite a small shop. had fun playing taboo, wei liang was really good and funny. we had fun there and bused back. and on the way back, ezann and her friends boarded the bus ! haha so coincident, well i dont really take bus other than the bus that ride me home from jp.
a nice match now, liverpool against reading. reading's playing really physical here, and they got the 1st goal from penalty. thank god stevie g save the day with the equalising goal, nicely done. a free kick by riise was so furious, cutting through so powerfully and yet the the keeper got it. and now reading score another goal, it's really bad. liverpool cant lose or draw, as man u and chelsea had all won.
alright i shall focus on the match now, so long folks. i know it's a long entry, i alrdy tried to make it short. tml's a long day, i'll take the photos from char and update tml !